Roadtrippin: Napa and SF

Jimbo and I decided to road trip to Northern California. With flights costing an arm and a leg these days, and also realizing we would need a car while up there, we decided to spend the 8+ hours in the car together and rock it. Now the songs from "Dashboard Confessional" are in my head...does anyone remember them? I love the name of their band because some of the most serious and life-changing conversations are had while driving...whether you are talking on the phone or talking with your passenger sitting right beside you. Some of my fav Dashboard songs are mentioned in this MTV article from 2003, Check it out! Getting back to the road trip to Northern California: I briefly mentioned home exchange back in my "Luck o' The Irish" post...but never really explained it. In short, we have our Cape house on the home exchange site ( and we...