Chicken Marsala (again) -- East Coast!

Happy one week for us being on the east coast!!!

I know, I know...I already posted my chicken marsala recipe while my dad was visiting in LA a few weeks ago, but I decided to make it again last night. The Condons have been such gracious and hospitable hosts, so Jim and I wanted to make them dinner last night. I opted for chicken marsala, and I think it came out pretty good.

Jim did the grocery shopping -- and while he was at the store, he sent me a few texts w/ pictures asking if the onions were the right ones, and specifically what type of chicken to buy. It was cute. He did a great job...perfect amount of food for everyone.

Here I am starting out in the Condons kitchen last night. They renovated their kitchen a couple of years ago and it came out amazing. It's super inviting for guests and extremely user friendly for any chef or in this case, chefs! :)

Auntie Joyce and I were chit chatting during "happy hour" at their, cheese, crackers and grapes! Nothing beats that while prepping for dinner.


Who doesn't dice up the parsley garnish right at the very beginning of cooking?  ;)

Here is a shot of the mushrooms, I added a dash of heavy cream to the marsala sauce this time. Uncle Den's recommendation! I also opted to cook the mushrooms on the side because Jim and Michael aren't the biggest fans. The sauce is identical, just separated into two sauté pans -- this one solely for mushrooms and the second one for the chicken.

I served the chicken with mezze penne, steamed broccoli/onions and the mushrooms.  Joyce and Den bought some delicious bread from their fav bakery down the street. It was so fresh. Yummy last night and again for breakfast this morning.

Mid-cooking shot! The broccoli is in the back, mushrooms on the front left burner and the chicken and marsala sauce is on the front right burner in the all-clad sauté pan (Uncle Den's fav pan in his kitchen).

I like to brown the chicken on both sides, let is sit for a little while, and then bake it in the corningware on a really low temperature so it cooks slowly (photo below). Between the cooking time, low temperature and the tenderizing at the beginning, it makes the chicken super tender.

 Finishing touches with the parsley and then ready to serve!

Team effort :)


Completed dish, yum!

I hope Aunt Joyce and Uncle Den enjoyed a night off from cooking! We had fun. Our first day of work is tomorrow...unless of course we have a snow day. The weather looks like we are expecting 4-6 inches. Stay tuned!

That first week sure went by quickly!

Til next time,


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