Conor James and Caden Francis

My baby boys are HERE!

I am sure most of you have either received a phone call, a text, an email or read about it on facebook or instagram haha - but here is my official "the twins have arrived" blog post. Things have been crazy, hectic, amazing, memorable and exhilarating all at the same time. There really are no words to describe what these last two weeks have been like - we are just super blessed (& tired).

This photo of Conor (left) and Caden (right) was taken just moments after they were born. Jim was able to grab a few shots after they were weighed, measured and wiped down. Conor James weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and Caden Francis weighed 5 lbs 5 oz. They are absolutely amazing...and clearly loving being outside of my belly. ;)

This pic was taken a few minutes after I was brought into recovery. I was still completely numb and pretty out of it, but it's our first family photo! Mom has Conor and Dad has Caden.

I am now in the Family Care Center in the hospital - where we spent the next four days. Mommy and Conor left, Caden right. :)
And of course, Daddy and his boys...little different shot. He is super pumped. Ready to light up those cigars!

Here are a few pics of my Dad's arrival, us leaving the hospital and heading home. My Dad was quite the photographer that night. Both my parents helped us leave the hospital since Jim's hands were quite full with two car seats and I pretty much couldn't carry anything. So glad they were there to help. Here are Grammy and Grampa Callahan in action! Dad has Conor and Mom  has Caden.
Another momma and boys pic.

Since Caden is a little smaller than Conor, he had to take the "car seat challenge" (which he of course passed with flying colors). We tucked a little blanket around him just to be safe.

And here we are outside the hospital. We just didn't want to leave!

Sigh of relief, we made it home safe and sound.

My mom and I have gone for a few walks around the neighborhood. The weather has been beautiful and I feel great. We are trying to get outside as much as possible before the heat and humidity kick in this summer!

And here are a few little favs of them all snuggled up. Thank you to Abby again for the quilts she made. They are just too cute! "Three blocks long" hehe.

Here's a current pic, taken today 5/18/14 - the boys rocking their nautical outfits in preparation for the beach this summer! Thanks, Shay Shay!!

Oh and in other news, Jim passed the CALIFORNIA BAR EXAM!! Woooohoooooo! Here he is sharing the news and finally having his celebratory cigar. Peace and quiet. Congrats to Jimbo.
Til next time...maybe another two week hiatus? Hope not! ;)
Shaz, Jim, Conor and Caden


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