Cape Cod Family Vacation

Our big family vacation this year we decided would be a week at our cottage in the Cape. While Fourth of July is an absolute blast (and our favorite week of the whole year) we decided it would be nice to spend some quality family time down the Cape with our two favorite little boys. I was able to visit with my cousins Jen and Jess, and Jen's two little ones - Callie and Patrick. Here are Jen, Jess and me...with Conor, Callie and Caden!

We visited Little Beach and saw the Condons and the Niessinks. The boys were on their best behavior. The water came up so far we had to move our chairs three times!!! Thank goodness Jimmy made us a moat - otherwise, we would've been drenched.

Daddy and Conor

Mama and her favorite two nuggets!

Happy boys! Loving the Cape Cod "ayah" (air)

When we got back to Woburn, Grammy helped with bathtime! Here is Conor....

....and here's Caden! Right before Mommy and Daddy headed off to Fenway to watch the Red Sox beat the Astros! We sat on the Green Monster, and hung out with Dennis, Luca, Matty, Michael and Jess. What a fun night. THANKS JESSICA!!!!!

We also were able to spend some time with the Bosch's down the Cape - and Conor and Caden were sooooooo happy to hang with Tori!! They are the happiest little boys.

These little guys are the best beach babies. They just played on the beach and then fell right asleep next to each other. They are so sweet.

What a great vacation. We are so fortunate to have our little cottage to visit!!!! :) Can't wait to go back.

Shaz and C-Squared


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