Washington, DC "tourists"!

Good morning from C-Squared!! Grammy is currently hanging with the boys so mommy is able to blog this morning! What a treat. :)

Grammy and I made these fun "cookies" on Friday. What a perfect summer treat - without having to turn on the oven. My mom has been visiting this weekend, so we tried this fun dessert. The best thing besides not having to bake them; is that there are only four ingredients.

1.) 8oz crushed pineapple (well drained)
2.) 8oz soften cream cheese
3.) Crushed pecans
4.) Coconut

Drain the crushed pineapple. 

Then, in a small bowl, beat cream cheese and pineapple until combined then fold in the pecans. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Take out of refrigerator and roll into 1-inch balls; then roll the balls in the coconut. Refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.

It has been such a fun weekend in DC with mom. We visited Eastern Market on Friday, because I had to return a few baby items. I also took her on a little tour throughout the city to show her the Newseum, the FBI building, the Monument, the Capitol Bldg, etc. 

Yesterday, we visited the National Cathedral and the National Zoo! My phone died early in the day, so not many pics to share unfortunately.

And every morning we do this.....

Happy Sunday Fun day! :)

Shaz, Conor Caden and Grammy!!


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