C-Squared Experience Fall in NE

Last year at this time, I was pregnant with A and B...and I am not sure anyone knew [for certain] except my sister. It was such an exciting and fun time. I wrote one of my first blog posts "bringing fall to LA" about a bunch of different squash recipes - one of my favorites being spaghetti squash and veggies.

Now that we have fast-forwarded to fall 2014 and we are on the east coast, the boys have experienced fall in New England. Quite frankly, there is nothing like it. The foliage is gorgeous, the weather is crisp and the "extras" that come with fall are irreplaceable (scarves, boots, comfy clothes, yoga pants, PSLs, fires, etc).

So to recap, Jimmy and I drove the boys up to Saratoga, NY for a Phelan wedding at the end of September. We explored the town, had some lunch and Jim went to the wedding. The following day, we went to the post-wedding festivities which was a gorgeous BBQ lunch by the lake. We were able to introduce the boys to some family and then drove home to MA because my best friend Shayla was getting married the following Friday, 10/3! While we were in NY, Chrissy and Lindsey got engaged!!!!! Such a fun last few weeks. CONGRATS to them. Can't wait for all the fun stuff ahead.

So we stayed up north the week, while Jim flew back to DC to go to work. Shayla's wedding was an absolute blast. She was stunning and most importantly, beaming with happiness. I am so happy for her and Kyle - who by the way are currently honeymooning so I hope they are not reading this. ;) Here's a few of Shay on her big day. Oh - and "thanks again" to KT P for watching the boys while we had a fun night out!

While home in MA, we saw tons of family. We saw all our siblings, both sets of our parents, some cousins (speaking of cousins, my cousin Jodie had her baby Jared on 10/12!) and tons of friends. We celebrated Jim's 30th birthday at Keryn's house with her family and then hung out with friends at the WPI homecoming last weekend. Here are a few of my favorite Conor and Caden pics from up north.

Shaz, Conor and Caden

PS Happy 30th Birthday to this guy...John Bosch. :)


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