Christmas Card ideas?!

How does everyone else choose their Christmas card picture????  I think before I had kids it was easier. Now it's big pressure on finding THE picture to use.  Right?  Or am I making too much of it? 

Although I take a bazillion pictures of them each and every day, I thought it would be cute to have them in their white bath towels - so they would blend with any background of a Christmas card. I also decided to dress them in a red shirt and a green shirt. Here are some of the Christmas pics I took the other night after their baths. Caden is on the left (or top, if you are using the mobile version on your phone) and Conor is on the right (or, bottom...dur). 

I will try and find a card where I can add a few of our family and then a few of these. :)

Caden                                                 Conor



I have to also include a few bloopers, right?! That's what everyone wants to see! I probably deleted the really bad ones while I was snapping away, but these were cute and funny.

Caden outtakes:

Conor outtakes: 

Other favs:

We'll see which photos we end up using. What an exciting and fun time of year! This time next week we will be heading up on our road trip to MA. Can't wait to see everyone. :)



  1. I love the top two pics - towels without the flash! They look like little baby models! You could do a family pic in the middle and a pic of each of them on one side and the other. It is going to be soooo cute!!!

  2. Great idea Linds!! And I have some other options. I couldn't post ALL of them and not leave any to surprise ;) Thanks!

  3. I love Lindsey's idea too! Those two little munchkins are so photogenic, I can't wait to see what ends up on the card!


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