DC - Tidal Basin

We ventured around the city over the weekend and saw some sights we haven't seen since we lived in DC 6 years ago. We walked the National Mall and over to the Washington Monument on Saturday while they were prepping for a Veteran's Day 10K. And on Sunday, we walked around the Tidal Basin and hung out at the Jefferson Memorial for a little while. We put the slingbox on our iPhones and watched some football while we fed the boys.

When Jim and I lived in DC in 2008, we would buy sushi and sit on the stairs and enjoy dinner. Boy have times changed! We fed the babies instead this time, and walked around while we took some pics.

Caden pics:

Conor pics:

And both Caden and Conor:

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! It's sure chillier down here and the days are getting shorter - soon we will be home for Thanksgiving!



  1. Love the little hands on your face! They love Momma!!! great post, miss you guys!

    1. Awww thanks Linds! The boys definitely miss their "uncle Lindsey!" They both told me! ;)


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