
Showing posts from December, 2014

Successful First Christmas - 2014

What a fun Christmas we all had .  We hit the ground running as soon as we ventured up to Massachusetts and visited with TONS of our "extra cousins". Here's a picture of all the Hancock great-grand babies (Conor and Caden are in blue!).  And below that, is a picture of the four Phelan great-grand babies...with more on the way! The boys were rock stars and had a blast visiting with our extended families in Massachusetts.  Then of course, Conor and Caden spent time with Mommy and Daddy in Woburn for a few days before heading down to Cape Cod. Grammy and Grampa loved having Conor and Caden at their house...although I bet it's much quieter now that we have left. ;)  And here are some quick shots from Christmas morning. Mommy is with Conor rockin some sunnies and Daddy with Caden checking out the ceiling fan. :) After we spent a few days in Woburn, we drove down to the Cape to see Nana, Gramps, Auntie Theresa and Uncle Joe for the three ...

Gearing up for Christmas!! YAY!

I don't think I could love these two little creatures anymore than I already do. They are so sweet and adorable and they are MINE. :) They are really starting to interact and play with each other - and often talk to each other. Over Thanksgiving, Conor started babbling and now Caden has started doing it. I hear them saying "MA MA MA MA" and while I realize they are not associating me with "Mama", I pretend in my head that they are talking directly to me. :) Here are some tasks we are currently working on - sitting up on our own and holding our own bottles.  We have progressed nicely over the last week alone with sitting independently, but we still sometimes topple over and slam our little heads on the ground. Nobody likes that. It works best when we have something to keep us distracted like this choo choo at Aunt Joyce and Uncle Dennis' house. We loved watching the train go around their Christmas tree!! And we are also learning quickly ...

Grampa and his boys!

How did I forget to add this snowy collage on my Thanksgiving post last time?!?   These two cherubs light up my life. It is SO fun and rewarding to see them experience new things and meet new people. Here they are enjoying their first snow fall. We had them laying on the picnic table and the snowflakes were falling on their little faces. It was so cute. They had a ball!      My mom and I bought these little button up hooded-sweatshirts over the summer when they couldn't have been more than 2 1/2 or 3 months old. These seemed SO huge and I didn't think they would ever fit them, but here they are, they fit great. We bought them at Dawn Price Baby in Eastern Market in DC. It's a nice store. Apparently the owner has twins, so they offer 10% off if you buy two of the same item!   Grampa has been here visiting us this week because Daddy is traveling for work. We have had so much fun!! We visited the US Capi...

Thanksgiving Recap & December in DC!

I wanted to check in and talk about what a wonderful first Thanksgiving the boys, Jim and I had in Massachusetts. We were quite tired from all the traveling, but it was real nice spending some quality time back home. We started our long drive up north on Tuesday, November 25th by picking Jimbo up from work and heading straight up to MA. We arrived around midnight and woke up my parents, Zeta and Peanut out of a dead sleep, I'm sure. As my sister always says, we came in like a hurricane. It was mayhem. Bringing in baby gear, jumpers, suitcases, name it. I am sure my parents loved seeing the boys, because they were so so sweet when we arrived and half asleep. We then spent the day Wednesday baking and playing while Jim worked from home. It was a nice day. My friend Katie P came by and visited with the boys before she went to work. And Lindsey's sister Kelly came over for a play date with Conor and Caden! So many visitors!! ...