Grampa and his boys!

How did I forget to add this snowy collage on my Thanksgiving post last time?!?
These two cherubs light up my life. It is SO fun and rewarding to see them experience new things and meet new people. Here they are enjoying their first snow fall. We had them laying on the picnic table and the snowflakes were falling on their little faces. It was so cute. They had a ball!

My mom and I bought these little button up hooded-sweatshirts over the summer when they couldn't have been more than 2 1/2 or 3 months old. These seemed SO huge and I didn't think they would ever fit them, but here they are, they fit great. We bought them at Dawn Price Baby in Eastern Market in DC. It's a nice store. Apparently the owner has twins, so they offer 10% off if you buy two of the same item!

Grampa has been here visiting us this week because Daddy is traveling for work. We have had so much fun!! We visited the US Capitol, the National Mall and Mount Vernon. It has been a little cold and rainy, but we made it through.

It was all decorated for Christmas!

Grampa has been such a big help. Not only has he kept me company at night when the boys go to sleep, but he has also helped entertain the boys, he filled up my gas tank (yay!) and he has helped with bath/bedtime each night. What a great Grampa. Thank you, we love you!!

All for now,
P.S. They are growing so fast. Conor just got his learner's permit.


  1. Can't wait to get the 4 boys together! Let us know when you are up here next :)

  2. Yeahhhh!!! We are coming home for Christmas! Let's get together!


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