Successful First Christmas - 2014

What a fun Christmas we all had

We hit the ground running as soon as we ventured up to Massachusetts and visited with TONS of our "extra cousins". Here's a picture of all the Hancock great-grand babies (Conor and Caden are in blue!).  And below that, is a picture of the four Phelan great-grand babies...with more on the way! The boys were rock stars and had a blast visiting with our extended families in Massachusetts. 

Then of course, Conor and Caden spent time with Mommy and Daddy in Woburn for a few days before heading down to Cape Cod. Grammy and Grampa loved having Conor and Caden at their house...although I bet it's much quieter now that we have left. ;) 

And here are some quick shots from Christmas morning. Mommy is with Conor rockin some sunnies and Daddy with Caden checking out the ceiling fan. :)

After we spent a few days in Woburn, we drove down to the Cape to see Nana, Gramps, Auntie Theresa and Uncle Joe for the three days before Christmas. Here are all of our family jackets hanging up in our Cape house. I thought this shot was cool - it really shows our fun family of four. Sometimes even I still can't believe we have two kids, and I am with them almost everyday.

We paid a visit to Home Depot. It wouldn't be a trip to MA if we didn't stop by Home Depot. ;) We picked up some things to make a new shed in our backyard. We are going to need the space for all these Christmas presents!

While in MA, we went on several walks - one of our favorite past-times. My parents bought this stroller to keep at their house, so when we have our entire car packed with baby things, we don't need to pack our stroller and take up space! 

Kelly and her Mom Paula came to visit the boys the day after Christmas. Auntie Chrissy and Auntie Lindsey babysat while Mommy and Daddy visited with some friends. Hi everyone!! Thanks for visiting!

Auntie Chrissy and Auntie Lindsey brought us back Christmas presents from London and Paris!! WOW!

What a fun trip home. We also fortunately had a great drive back to DC on Sunday morning. The boys, again, did amazing. We are so proud of them for doing so great on the long ride back to DC.

A huge thank you to EVERYONE for all the visits and babysitting and presents we received this year. We are so super thankful and couldn't be more blessed. Here is to an awfully exciting 2015...can't wait to see what's ahead!! ;)


Flashback photo of Jimbo and I during the ExxonMobil Christmas party 2008 (in DC!).


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