"I think I'll take a moment, celebrate my age...."
"I think I'll take a moment, celebrate my age
The ending of an era and the turning of a page
Now it's time to focus in on where I go from here
Lord, have mercy on my next thirty years" - Tim McGraw
The ending of an era and the turning of a page
Now it's time to focus in on where I go from here
Lord, have mercy on my next thirty years" - Tim McGraw

If you had asked me ten years ago where I would be at 30, I never would have guessed I would have two amazing little boys and living back in Washington D.C. I would, however, have said that I would be happily married to Jimbo, celebrating this bday with Chrissy and [hopefully] working for the Bureau. I guess I am more blessed than I ever knew. :)
Chrissy and Lindsey came down over the weekend to celebrate my big 3-0 and much to my surprise, a limo rolled up to our house Saturday morning around 10:30. We had reservations for a bottomless mimosa brunch in D.C and a few other hot spots in the District. Here are a couple of favs from the weekend.
Thanks to Jim, Chrissy and Linds for setting up the limo and the stops we made throughout the day...although the impromptu stops at the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument were probably my fav! ;) And thanks to Brooke, Den, Pat and Jamal for joining us. It was such a fun and memorable day. I loved it!!!
I opened up my birthday present from Chrissy and Linds and it was TWO kettlebells! For those who don't know, Linds is a certified kettlebell instructor. Last fall, she worked her bum off and killed it at her Strongfirst Certification. Not only did they buy me two kettlebells (different weights for exercises) but they put together a workout program for me on YouTube. So cool. Here's Linds and I trying it out yesterday!
Conor and Caden nailed their workout, t. They are next up for the Stongfirst Certification!
Thank you to EVERYONE for the birthday wishes and taking time out of their long holiday weekend to hang with us. I am so grateful and love you all. AND GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!! WOOOOOO!
30-year old Shaz
PS Flashback to this day last year when we were celebrating the arrival of A and B (and cousins Callie & Ellie, too!)!
Love this post! Happy Birthday Shazzy! Love the kettlebells too! AHMAZING!