
Showing posts from April, 2015

Days Around the House...

Bathtime. Is there really any happier or cuter time of day?? I don't think so. The boys love taking a bath and it's a relaxing down time for Jimbo and I, too.  Look how happy they are!! They love it!   On Tuesday, we bought ourselves some brand new Elmo's for our first birthday in a few weeks. We were at the store and just couldn't resist. The bright red color and the soft material were screaming their name. :) One of Caden and Conor's favorite things to do is stand in front of all the windows in our house and look outside. It helps now that the weather is GORGEOUS and the windows are almost always open. I love how the windows are so low, because they're the perfect height for the boys to safely look out. Caden reading a book with Mama...and Conor listening in. We can't wait to visit Cape Cod sometime next month! And ALL summer long! :)  My mom bought the boys these adorable summer outfits. I love the little "romper" look, the one...

Our Long Weekend OUTSIDE!

What gorgeous weather we have been having here in DC, and back home in Boston, too. It is officially spring and everyone is loving the outside. From all the pics on facebook and instagram - it looks like we all can't get enough of this awesome weather! Late last week, the boys and I visited Jim at Exxon since their office is moving to Houston in a few short weeks. We thought it would be nice to walk around the campus and take a few pics. If you look closely in the pic of me and the boys, there are THREE DEER behind us (almost like THREE WHALES, right Sarah and Nicole?! Haha). There were so many deer watching us roam about the property. Way cool. The boys sometimes fuss when they're in their stroller -- they prefer to get out and crawl around. Maybe when they can start walking we will take them out during the walk, but for now we usually find a nice piece of grass and let them play. Caden wanted to crawl on Daddy and Conor wanted his bottle...never a dull moment...

Cherry Blossom Season!

Hi again!!  Here are some fav pics from our trip to DC this weekend.  There was a festival going on to celebrate the cherry blossoms...they were out and almost in full bloom!  The city was absolutely packed.  It was difficult to maneuver the stroller.  I am glad we visited though.  Fun family day.     Con's on the loose! Don't worry though, Cay is going to get him! Mama and Cay... Conor is seriously into shadows lately -- in the house and especially outside.  He found my hand! Mama taking in the beautiful day while Conor and Caden play together. Dad and Con, and the Capitol Building....apparently there were shots fired there yesterday.  Situation all under control. Dad and both babies! xo, Shaz P.S. Flashback pic to last year this time - Linds and I about to hop on our Cherry Blossom boat tour!

Happiest Springtime Baby Boys!!

I wanted to write a quick post on this gorgeous Saturday afternoon. The boys have been home for almost a week now since Easter and they really couldn't be happier.  When we were up in MA last week, they were so sick, lethargic, fussy, and not themselves.  It is so refreshing and warms my heart to see these beamingly happy little faces. They have been SO awesome. Also on a happy note, the trees have been so pretty lately. It is prime tourist season here in DC so all the cherry blossoms are [almost] out in full bloom.  This season reminds me of when the boys were born last year -- everything looks exactly the same.  I was on bed rest, anxiously awaiting the arrival of A & B.  Fast-forward one year later and here we are...preparing for their first birthday in a few weeks.  We walked to dinner last night, Friday 4/10. I had to take a pic because the trees up the street looked beautiful. Look at my patriotic little men! They must know that Memorial ...

Con and Cay's first Easter!!

We drove up to MA last week for Easter. It was definitely an impromptu visit - but we are so glad we went. We drove straight to the Cape from DC, and figured we would stop at a hotel in NY/CT overnight for the first time ever. Well, it was a disaster. We stopped in Rye, NY and used points at a local Marriott. They were super helpful and set up two pack n plays for the boys. Caden fell asleep but Conor would...not...stop....screaming. Conor is usually very relaxed and low key - he has always been my "easier" baby (Caden is very curious and into a lot of things). :) Conor cried for almost two hours so we said forget it. We packed our stuff up and proceeded to Cape Cod, at 2AM. We arrived around 5AM and Irene thankfully watched the boys for a few hours so we could get some rest. Thank GOODNESS she took the day off and watched them. What a relief. When I woke, I noticed the boys were fussier than usual and figured something was up. So long story short, they had the st...