Hyannis Triathlon - Complete!

A BIG congrats to Jim, Theresa, and Lindsey for completing their first triathlon in Hyannis last weekend!!!

The weather wasn't perfect, but all three of them killed it. They also had smiles at the finish line and throughout the day - which means an overall successful event. CONGRATS!!! And a huge thank you to the Boschs, the Macombers, and the Phelans for coming down the Cape and supporting everyone in the rain!

Prior to the triathlon on Saturday, Aunties Chrissy and Lindsey brought the boys to Cape Cod on Friday while Daddy was traveling for work and mommy was working in the city. What a huge help. 

Unfortunately, Conor and Caden were coming down with quite a severe cold/sickness and were not themselves. They were quite cranky (understandably since Mama now has the same thing). Auntie Chrissy and Linds were such troopers and took great care of C and C. Mama drove down the Cape right after work on Friday and everyone prepped for the big race Saturday. On Sunday, Jim and I took the boys to Craigville Beach since the weather was way nicer than the previous day. They loved it! 

I am happy to report the boys are feeling MUCH better and spent the week doing fun activities at daycare. They played with play-dough, did finger painting, and played outside each day. Here are a few good ones.

And here's a few fun activities at "home" too (home is still currently at Grammy and Grampa's). The house-search is still ongoing. We've been spending a ton of time going to open houses and showings. Something will fall into place soon though. We are hopeful.

We have also started getting VERY good at eating on our own these days. We've picked up some great tricks at daycare watching the older kids. ;)  Here's my little righty (Cay) and lefty (Con) eating their cheerios this morning. I miss these little guys already!

I hope everyone has a great weekend. TGIF!


PS Flashback photo to my bridal shower this time FIVE YEARS AGO. My goodness. Feels like maybe one or two.


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