I want to start this post off by celebrating the accomplishments of the Supreme Court on June 26, 2015. They ruled that gay marriage is now a constitutional right. That means that marriage is now legal for EVERYONE nationwide...something that should have happened years ago, but it happened and it's great. #lovewins

Here are a few fun fav pics of Caden and Conor this past week! They are finally feeling healthy and happy again. And most importantly, sleeping fully through the night. ;) Mama is feeling a bit more human now that we are all getting more sleep. I thought they may have had ear infections or bronchitis, but the doctor said they were ALL GOOD! Great news.

We found the boys a swingset on craigslist and my Dad is sanding and staining it. Thanks GRAMPA!!!! :):):) We were originally going to bring it down to Cape Cod, but now we think it might be better to keep it at our primary house - whenever we buy one. :)  Ha, look at Cay reaching for Con.

We love feeding ourselves cheerios (a new trick we learned at 'school'). We had a field day eating them on the porch...until we spilled them everywhere, out of our spill proof cups no less.

Don't worry, Peanut and Zeta saved the day!!!!!!!! :)

Grampa and Daddy had a golf tournament this weekend, so Mommy and Grampa went to a couple stores to find Grampa new golf shoes prior to them heading out. But first, quick photo op with C and C before we ventured out and ran our errands.

We soon realized that Grampa matched all the employees at Target AND Sports Authority. We were dying.

And the best, most special time of all -- individual cuddle time with Mama! Conor left and Caden right. My favorite time.


PS Flashback photo to these tiny little nuggets on the Cape last summer! Outfits from cousin Penny Jenni!! Only a few more days til we celebrate the best week/wknd of the year in Cape Cod with our favorite crew. :)


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