Adapting to Change...

Daycare was closed this week and Jim was traveling for work -- so in short, that meant a busy week for Mommy.  But it also meant tons of Mama snuggle time (our favorite!).

I had a few deadlines at work and we also have renters at our Cape house, so unfortunately we couldn't take a little vacation down there. I noticed the boys have been a little under the weather, too. They've been sneezing the past few days and they have little runny noses. They also weren't sleeping the same as usual -- but hopefully it's just a quick cold from the busy weekend we had. Thanks to Grammy and Grampa and Auntie Theresa, we made the week work. THANK YOU!!!

My parents' neighbors have this hockey net in their driveway and boy did Caden and Conor love playing with the pucks! They walked down the driveway over to them, picked them up, and started beaming with excitement. So independent!

We shared a couple smoothies this week too!! We are really into them. I made these when I was pregnant and after when I was nursing -- to make sure I had enough calories and protein. For the boys I use whole milk, full fat plain yogurt, banana, blueberries, strawberries or really any fruit I can find. And if I have some, I throw in some fresh spinach or kale. It's a great way to get them to eat their greens while tasting delicious.

*Note -- since C & C are kind of over eating baby food (out of jars), I take jar baby spinach, kale, peas, or green beans and toss that in their smoothies. Win win.

This was a big week for us! We started watching some nursery rhymes on YouTube and OMG are they obsessed. The boys absolutely love music; it really captures their attention. They love clapping too!

Oh - and Con still loves his thumb, just like his mommy. :)

On Tuesday night, went to the Burlington Mall and UNOs with Grampa. We also ran errands with Grammy that day. They enjoyed getting out of the house and seeing new things -- like the bank. They walked around like they owned the place.

My friend Keyla from grad school at Pepperdine gave the boys these adorable little stools. They've been "practicing" sitting at regular seats and eating breakfast -- rather than being strapped into a high chair at the kitchen table. They're doing really good! Maybe we can set up a small children's table for the boys at our new house when we move. That would be great! That way, we can get all the high chairs out of the kitchen and there will be more room.
Can't believe August 1 is Saturday. Time for the big Ehler Family Reunion!! :):):):)

P.S. I had SUCH a fun night out last night with one of my favorites...Shay! We tried out Tuscan Kitchen in Burlington and it was fab. We sat at the mozzarella bar (I was a little confused) and it ended up being lovely. We shared some mussels, had some raviolis/scampi and some delicious cocktails. Yum!
Here's a flashback photo of us down in Cape Cod in 2011!


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