Growing Boys & Wedding Recap!

Conor and Caden have really grown up these last few weeks. They have become more verbal, more responsive, they joined the big kids in "circle time" at school, and have brought home so many arts and crafts projects. Here they are doing a craft project with cut-outs from a magazine, learning new shapes!

We brought the boys to Lynch Park in Beverly today. It is a beautiful park overlooking the ocean and borders the Rose Garden where tons of weddings take place. There was actually a wedding going on around 4PM today while we were there. I had fun doing a photo shoot with the boys. Here are a few highlights.

This pic is a little late - but I felt it was a fun memory and should be shared. :) Chrissy and Linds came over a few weeks ago and we had a great workout. Linds created a new circuit for us that we were able to do outside. You can find her older kettlebell workout here. We did kettlebell swings, kettlebell presses, squats, mountain climbers, sprints, stairs and planks. The boys were finishing up their day at daycare, so it was great timing! We jumped on the trampoline after we picked up C and C - they were a little unsure of what to make of it.

By the way, here's a huge GOOD LUCK to team "Resting Beach Face" this weekend up in NH. It's going to be a long, fun, team run. Chrissy and Linds - come back to Woburn to do the workout with me again! It's so much more fun with friends...and much more motivating. :)
In all the emotional-ness that has transpired with Peanut and other family members this week, I feel like I have completely skipped over our trip to Montana for Sarah and Collin's wedding last weekend. How on earth could I have missed a blog post on one of the best weddings ever??? It was so serene, beautiful, and relaxing. Words don't even do it justice. We honestly couldn't have enjoyed ourselves more than we did. Sarah and Collin (and their families) were the PERFECT hosts and really outdid themselves all weekend long. All of the guests raved about the weekend and the Selders/Drinkards efforts did not go unnoticed. I felt right at home at Boulder River Ranch...or more like I felt right on vacation there! ;) We are so grateful to have those newlyweds in our lives! Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Selders!

Oh! And we got a new pool table for the basement. The basement isn't finished, but now that we have a pool table, kitchen table, and desk down there, it's feeling a bit cozier. It's actually a perfect "man-cave" for Jimbo. We're hosting people for the Patriots game tomorrow, so come on by to watch football and play some pool if your nearby!

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! Enjoy your Sunday Funday tomorrow!


PS Flashback photo to that time I rode a horse in Lake Conroe (Houston), Texas in 2012....ha. Photo cred +James Phelan


  1. Having you there made the weekend! Love you Shazzy! So sorry about Peanut. Hugs and kisses from Sky!


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