First photo shoot of the YEAR!

This is going to be a short post - mainly because I am playing with the boys and I don't have much free time to type. But we had a fun little photo shoot this morning. Of course, it was nothing fancy or formal. The boys were eating some french toast, breakfast sausages, and strawberries - some of their very favorite foods. I took the happy opportunity to take a few pics of them. They are really into mimicking faces lately, especially Caden. He does this happy scrunchy nose face and it's too cute.

Hope this brings a smile to your face!  Happy long MLK weekend, and GO Patriots!

Caden -

Conor -

And a few other random candid favs. Here are the boys checking out Baby C.

And about to head off to school one morning...

Conor being his climbing mischievous self. ;)

Caden trying to copy but not getting very far. Hehe.

All for now,

PS Flashback photo to 31 years ago....Chrissy meeting me for the first time, January 1985. I have probably already posted this picture to my blog, but I especially like it now because this is how old Conor and Caden are right now, 20 months!!


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