The Easter Bunny Came!!
H A P P Y E A S T E R ! The boys enjoyed their own little indoor Easter egg hunt indoors Sunday morning. They didn't get it at first, but once they realized there were eggs (filled with candy) "hidden" throughout the house, they were having a good time. They surprisingly didn't fight over many of them either. Overall, it was really cute and really fun. They weren't into their wheelbarrows as much as I was hoping they would - but we can save them for the Cape this summer. I think it will be fun to use the shovels and fill them up with sand, or shells, or even some water from the ocean. What they REALLY loved was the $2 "grass" that filled up their baskets. Of course it makes a massive mess and I was having an anxiety attack over it. But they were having fun. Look at them! Then we Facetimed with my sister and Jim's mom...the boys love using the iPad. We made it to Auntie Debbie's around 2ish...we didn't ...