Mama Solo Weekend!

Jim ventured down the Cape this weekend to do some work on our Cape house. We have a renter coming in Memorial Day weekend so we wanted to fix a few things, and buy some new storm doors. Our old ones were rusted out. He and his brother Joe went down to the Cape on Friday night, and will hopefully be back sometime before naptime today. Mama had a fun weekend with Conor and Caden -- and even had a nice visit with Aunties Chrissy and Lindsey yesterday! Chrissy had her bridal makeup trial, and we had some lunch/snacks. It was a fun afternoon.

But first, a quick recap of St. Patrick's Day on Thursday...

Friday night consisted of a visit to Daddy's work, a lot of hanging out, and enjoying some PIZZA! 

Saturday morning started off with blueberry pancakes! YUMMY!

And then Saturday, a fun afternoon with Aunties! Lindsey spent some time with Con...and Chrissy was sharing her soda water with Caden. :)

Then the makeup trial started! She looked SO pretty!! Ashley did a great job. Her website can be found here. She's a friend of my good friend Julie and is located in the Greater Boston area.

Then later on at night, we had baths (and brushed our teeth in the bath...), bedtime stories and bedtime! Look at Caden's arm around Conor in the bedtime story pic. SO sweet.

Here's a pic of them sleeping last night - compared to a pic when they were just about a month old. Caden is top left, bottom right. And Conor is top right, bottom left. :)

Happy SPRING!! And Happy Sunday everyone!



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