Birth Story: Conor James and Caden Francis
I found the below birth story questionnaire on the Twin Talk blog . I figured since I never shared their full birth story on my blog... that it would be fun to fill out. And the boys will be TWO a week from today, so it's a good time to reminisce about their birth. I wrote a brief post about a week or two after they were born. But here's the full story from finding out we were expecting twins, through to when we came home. How far along were you when you found out you were expecting twins ? 7 weeks exactly. I went in for my first OB appt at UCLA and an intern did my first ever ultrasound. She finished, left the room, and said she was going to get the doctor. When the doctor came in, she was there for all of 5 seconds and said "so you know there's two, right?" UMMMM. What? I didn't even really know for sure that I was pregnant! Oh, and I was alone during this appointment because Jim's truck broke down on the 405 (the main highway in LA...simila...