
Showing posts from May, 2016

Pregnancy Update! Week 32!!

I am now 32 weeks pregnant...which means we only have a couple months left!  Here is a pregnancy comparison from 32 weeks with the twins (left) and 32 weeks with Baby C (right). Pregnancy update: I am feeling really good! I am getting pretty big, still working full time, and have two 2 year olds to chase after - so I feel fortunate to still be able to say "I feel good". This weekend was pretty hot, so that was a little uncomfortable. I basically sat outside, watched the boys play with the water table and pool, and drank as much water as humanly possible. We just turned on our central air too, so that will help in the final weeks. I am craving a lot of sweets lately -- anything from fresh fruit to blended frozen fruit drinks to ice cream. I am a big fan of watermelon and berries these days, and I make a lot of frozen fruit blended beverages with fresh mint from my garden. Also, HOOD just had a sale on their ice cream so I bought three. YUM. Weight Gained :  I...

Boston, Baking, and my BOYS!

What I'm craving lately: Corn on the cob, watermelon, fruit salad, and ice cream! SWEETS!!  I baked three pies this weekend. I got really into it. My neighbor gave us a ton of rhubarb from their garden - and I also wanted to make my cousin Doug a pumpkin pie (in May!) for his housewarming/BBQ party. It was actually quite delicious - especially since yesterday was so cool. It felt like a fall day! This is how we finished off our HOT Saturday.. Sunday morning, we kicked off the day with swim lessons. About 60% of the class was missing - they must've gone away for the holiday - so the class size was awesome. We could really move around the pool easily. I loved it. I wish the class was that small every week! After our swim lessons, we packed up some food and drinks, and headed into the city. I've been wanting to take the kids to the Boston Common and the Public Garden - mainly for my sake. They are too young for the park area and can...

8 Months Pregnant Today!!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend (officially)! I wore this outfit to work yesterday - I am 8 months pregnant today! HA. I didn't look like this with the twins. I feel like I can finally see a significant difference between a twin pregnancy and a singleton. I am feeling really good, especially in the mornings. But anytime after 2-3PM, forget it. I am very uncomfortable and tired. Maybe my next post will be a pregnancy update questionnaire. I am out here on my deck with my cherubs and Jimbo. We came outside at about 7:30AM. It was 70+ degrees so how do you not go outside that early??  I love that we are home - I was able to vacuum my den and living room this morning, and also clean my kitchen floor - which was WAY overdue. Now we're having some coffee outside and watching these two have a blast with their water table birthday present. I feel like I JUST wrote about how childhood needs to be simpler and slower - and that kids would rather play in a cardboard box at ...

Pre-Memorial Day Weekend Lessons

As you all know, this week has been GORGEOUS. That means, we have been spending a ton of time outside. The other night, I went to Horn Pond in Woburn with Shayla and Lauren. Shay is currently pregnant, about 6 weeks behind me and Lauren has two kiddos too! Her son Cal is a little older than the boys and her almost 2 month old daughter Aubrynn is adorable (and looks just like her daddy!). We had quite the crew and dominated the pond. Great night for it! Since I had such a great time, I decided to go back the next night and bring Jimbo with me and the boys. They didn't even make it half way around and started throwing some serious fits. It was a bit chillier than the previous night and honestly, they didn't like being stuck in the stroller. Fine, I get it. So we took them out and they ran around a bit. They LOVED these American flags. I told them about the flags, the flowers, and that Memorial Day is coming up. Granted, they probably didn't understand any of it, but I felt ...