Boston, Baking, and my BOYS!

What I'm craving lately: Corn on the cob, watermelon, fruit salad, and ice cream! SWEETS!! 

I baked three pies this weekend. I got really into it. My neighbor gave us a ton of rhubarb from their garden - and I also wanted to make my cousin Doug a pumpkin pie (in May!) for his housewarming/BBQ party. It was actually quite delicious - especially since yesterday was so cool. It felt like a fall day!

This is how we finished off our HOT Saturday..

Sunday morning, we kicked off the day with swim lessons. About 60% of the class was missing - they must've gone away for the holiday - so the class size was awesome. We could really move around the pool easily. I loved it. I wish the class was that small every week!

After our swim lessons, we packed up some food and drinks, and headed into the city. I've been wanting to take the kids to the Boston Common and the Public Garden - mainly for my sake. They are too young for the park area and can't walk around much, but I wanted to take a little family trip into the city. We drove in and gave them lunch at Chrissy and Lindsey's place - since they're away in ptown. I made the boys peanut butter sandwiches, banana, fruit salad, and yogurt. I also made Jim and myself sandwiches and we were then out the door to explore!

We walked by the MA State House, and down into the Boston Common. The kids loved seeing the people and the vendors. So much to look at! I also kept quoting their "Goodnight Boston" book - we read it almost every night. There's a quote in the book that says "We'll climb Beacon Hill, with a skip and a hop! Discover the State House, there's gold on top!" So naturally, I said that as we were walking around. 

We saw sculptures and buildings and fountains and lots and lots of people! The boys did great. We brought the wagon so they could see and move a bit more freely than in the stroller. Here are some pics from us walking around. 

Here are the flags again! Conor and Caden kept saying "peeeeese" to "please" get out and walk around - to most likely pull out every single flag. We of course kept moving very swiftly.

We also ventured over to the Public Garden and watched the swan boats and duckies! This was our favorite part, "quack quack quack!" We almost waited in line to get on the swan boats but it looked a little long and honestly they were so happy where we were - so we enjoyed the relaxation

Dad and Conor:

Mom and Caden:

After that, we walked back to Chrissy and Lindsey's place, and headed up to the roof for the boys to ride their bikes around. I figured they were sick of sitting in the wagon and needed to MOVE. They loved it. Jim enjoyed a beer. And then we were off to my cousin Dougs BBQ around 3:30-4pm. 

The boys loved playing with their cousins. Thanks Doug for hosting a great BBQ! And congrats again on the house and graduating from the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy. So proud of you!


PS Flashback photo to almost two years ago when Chrissy and I brought them to watch the swan boats at 2 months old!


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