Let the Reminiscing Continue!
The boys second birthday is in just a few days...I can't believe it! When they turned one, it didn't hit me that hard at all - but there is something about their second birthday that is making me feel like they are really getting older. Maybe it's because they are really growing, interacting, talking, learning, and are FUN right now. I've seen huge growth even since January - they are doing so great. They listen better, and understand everything I'm saying. It makes it easier when I ask them "where are your shoes?!" And they come running over to me with them. WOW! Seriously, it's such a help.
0-6 Month Favs:
First beach trip...
First trip to the National Mall..
First Cape Cod trip...
First blaming each other moment...
First wedding!
First Red Sox gear.
First hug!
First modeling shoot with Miss Jackie!
First Thanksgiving...
First Celtics gear...and first smiles :)
First Halloween! Caden Lion and Conor Tiger.
First stare down...or wait, is that a mirror?
First sunbathing in Grammy and Grampa's backyard.
First PJ hats!
Not a first time in the next two pics - just love the smiles and the innocence.
First time touring the Capitol Building!
6 Month+ Favs:
First time down the slide...
First time in swings!
First snap backs...(thanks Auntie Sarah and Auntie Nicole! paddleboard races!!!)
First smoothie! We LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE smoothies.
First time fingerpainting!
First outdoor "shower"! In Cape Cod of course. ;)
First standing co-bum pic lol.
First beach family photo in 2015
First birthday...post bath.
First pumpkins!
First nap in a pool....on a beach...
One of the first times standing in the cribs, in DC.
First floaties in the ocean, thanks Auntie T!
First pool in G and G's backyard. I spy kettlebells Auntie Linds!
First cars!!! Thank you for our housewarming gift Auntie Chrissy!! Haha.
First St Patricks Day photo with Dad (second actual St Patricks Day...)
First Easter Bunny visit!
Second snap backs, but first bachelorette snap backs. ;)
First Easter pic with our sibling! Ha
First merry go round ride.
First time choosing a Christmas Tree!
First time being ring bearers!
First time eating at the kitchen island.
First bike ride in Cape Cod!
First puddle-splashing!
First time watching Daddy shovel the driveway.
First time on trampolines....skyzone in Danvers!
0-6 Month Favs:
First beach trip...
First trip to the National Mall..
First Cape Cod trip...
First of many, many, many walks together...
First blaming each other moment...
First Patriots game (on the TV...)...
First wedding!
First Red Sox gear.
First hug!
First modeling shoot with Miss Jackie!
First ties...
First SNOW!First Thanksgiving...
First Celtics gear...and first smiles :)
First Halloween! Caden Lion and Conor Tiger.
First stare down...or wait, is that a mirror?
First sunbathing in Grammy and Grampa's backyard.
First PJ hats!
First time in the gray suits!
Not a first time in the next two pics - just love the smiles and the innocence.
First time touring the Capitol Building!
6 Month+ Favs:
First time down the slide...
First time in swings!
First snap backs...(thanks Auntie Sarah and Auntie Nicole! paddleboard races!!!)
First smoothie! We LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE smoothies.
First time fingerpainting!
First outdoor "shower"! In Cape Cod of course. ;)
First standing co-bum pic lol.
First beach family photo in 2015
First birthday...post bath.
First pumpkins!
First nap in a pool....on a beach...
One of the first times standing in the cribs, in DC.
First floaties in the ocean, thanks Auntie T!
First pool in G and G's backyard. I spy kettlebells Auntie Linds!
First cars!!! Thank you for our housewarming gift Auntie Chrissy!! Haha.
First St Patricks Day photo with Dad (second actual St Patricks Day...)
First Easter Bunny visit!
Second snap backs, but first bachelorette snap backs. ;)
First Easter pic with our sibling! Ha
First merry go round ride.
First time choosing a Christmas Tree!
First time being ring bearers!
First time eating at the kitchen island.
First bike ride in Cape Cod!
First puddle-splashing!
First time watching Daddy shovel the driveway.
First time on trampolines....skyzone in Danvers!
First time eating at our new table.:)
First swim lessons!
There were also many first falls, first injuries, first colds, first stomach bugs, first ear infections, first doctors visits, first teething....and a lot of other sad/unfortunate things. But that's all part of growing up! I don't think we had as much fun documenting those though. :)
Hope you all enjoy your little ones while they are little. The grow so fast! Excited to have a new little one this summer.
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