Quality Family (Cape) Time!

To piggy back off my last post about the Cape, here are some of the other things we did over the weekend other than just spend time at the beach. Trying to squeeze in as much family time while we still have two kids. Things are surely going to change a ton in the coming weeks..

We read lots of BOOKS! Boy do we love to read (and point at everything in the book!). The Children's Room at the Hyannis Library is awesome. We didn't make it there this trip, but there are so many activities for the boys, in addition to lots of books and DVDs we can take home on a rainy day. We will for sure be visiting the Hyannis Library next week during our family vacation.

Mom's belly is a great armrest these days...

Conor and Caden love outside. It's one of their favorite things to do. Here they are hanging by their Great Grammy's side yard. The WHOLE space and this is how they play. haha. Jim's Dad just had a big pine tree taken down right here - so I am sure C and C are looking at all the wood chips and bugs. :)

Of course we made a Marylou's run!

Getting some scratchies for Papa!

I like this pic. It sums me up pretty well these days. "Mama losing control..."

Tom is recovering really well from his open heart surgery a few months back. Here we are on a walk with Gramps!

A little blurry, but here we are post bathtime. :)  I feel bad that I don't remember who got us these bath towels before the boys were born. So if you're reading this - thank you! They say "quack quack quack" when we get out of the tub now. It's wicked cute.

Caden loved hanging with the Phelan guys while they were building the shed. He almost made it to the top!

Here they are waking in Cape Cod. I think Caden looks JUST like Jim here. They look like a couple of old buds just catching up.

A little under the weather.....

Few pics prior to our departure to the Cape on Friday.

I am getting really excited for our trip starting Friday. Hopefully the kiddos feel better by then. Con has a fever today. Caden is at school. Conor is home with me.

Also, here's a current bump pic with my friend Shay from last night! She is due Sept 3! Just about a month after me. :)  I am 36.5 weeks...aka 9 months (I am a shrimp!)

AND I got new sunnies for our vacation...love them!

All for now!



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