Welcome Cal Thomas Phelan!
It's a boy!! Cal Thomas Phelan was born on Tuesday, 7/12/16 at 9:28PM. He weighed 7lbs, 15oz and was 20.5 inches long. All my boys were born on a Tuesday.
So we decided to meet Chrissy for dinner near MGH and walk around a little. Remember this pic on insta? Yup, in labor. Shout out to Katie P who actually noticed my hospital bracelet!! Way to go.
OW. Thanks for the photo Chrissy.
We went back in around 8PM and they admitted me. They checked me again and I was still 1cm. I felt pretty crappy about that. All that time and pain and it hadn't changed. Hmph.
Since nothing was progressing, Jim thought it would be a good time to get some work done...
Finally around 11PM, we got our own room and I contemplated getting the epidural...
Jim was sleepy and bored...
I got the epidural!! 1AM...
I'll save you the pictures from the next 20 awful hours (and videos, eek) but around 9:30 that night, Cal arrived!! Jim announced the sex and also cut the umbilical cord. He was a rockstar throughout and really helped me "push" through. ;) He is very calming, so he was real helpful.
Happy and proud Dad. His third son!
Mama and Cal!
My view throughout the whole thing....not terrible.
My parents came to visit the next day...
And we snuggled...
Conor and Caden visited the following day, so stay tuned for the next blog post about that. Let's just say one of them was much more interested in meeting their younger brother than the other! :)
All for now..
Shaz and Cal
PS Look at all my boys. Guess which baby is which!
Want to hear a little about my labor and delivery? Sure, let's talk about it. Nothing to hide here. As many of you may know, I had a c-section with the twins, because Conor (my Baby A) was breech. I opted for a VBAC this round because I have two toddlers and I didn't see the recovery being possible to take care of them. SO....I planned for it and hoped it would be successful.
Contractions started Sunday afternoon around 3PM. I timed them and they were anywhere from 7-20 minutes apart. Since there was no real pattern to them, I rested for the afternoon and went to bed. I was up ALL NIGHT LONG having them and it was pretty intense. Therefore, I called my OB on Monday morning first thing. She said not to rush in, to keep timing them, and head into the city if they were about 5 minutes apart consistently. She ended the convo with, "we'll probably see you tonight!" I called my mom and asked that she come over to help me with the boys. Jim worked from home so he could bring me to MGH. And again, I waited and timed the contractions.
The boys had their early intervention appointment at 3:30, the day went on as planned. Finally, it was about 5PM and I was consistently having them 4-5 min apart. We headed into the city and went to Labor and Delivery. They checked me - said I was 1cm and to go out and walk the city a bit and come back in a few hours. HA! I was like, I'm kinda hurting over here, how am I supposed to walk!?
So we decided to meet Chrissy for dinner near MGH and walk around a little. Remember this pic on insta? Yup, in labor. Shout out to Katie P who actually noticed my hospital bracelet!! Way to go.
OW. Thanks for the photo Chrissy.
We went back in around 8PM and they admitted me. They checked me again and I was still 1cm. I felt pretty crappy about that. All that time and pain and it hadn't changed. Hmph.
Since nothing was progressing, Jim thought it would be a good time to get some work done...
Finally around 11PM, we got our own room and I contemplated getting the epidural...
Jim was sleepy and bored...
I got the epidural!! 1AM...
I'll save you the pictures from the next 20 awful hours (and videos, eek) but around 9:30 that night, Cal arrived!! Jim announced the sex and also cut the umbilical cord. He was a rockstar throughout and really helped me "push" through. ;) He is very calming, so he was real helpful.
Happy and proud Dad. His third son!
My view throughout the whole thing....not terrible.
My parents came to visit the next day...
And we snuggled...
Then Aunties Lindsey, Chrissy, and Theresa came by...such fun visits. :) Not many pics!
All for now..
Shaz and Cal
PS Look at all my boys. Guess which baby is which!
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