The Phelans Take Over BROOKLYN!

On Friday, Jim, Conor, Caden, and myself drove to see Chrissy and Lindsey in Brooklyn. Over the summer, Cal took the trip solo with Mama - so I thought it would be nice for Conor and Caden to have a turn. It was an incredible 60 degrees outside, so we brought their scooters and spent a good amount of time venturing around near the water.

Later that night, Chrissy and Linds offered to put the boys to bed while Jim and I had a fancy dinner out in town. They made reservations over a month ago at Lilia...and we had a great time. We had fancy drinks, amazing appetizers, and a relaxing dinner. They told us to stay out and enjoy the night - and we were home by 11pm haha. But hey, to us that is a big night out!

On our way to NY earlier that morning, we did a little research to figure out where we could stop so the boys could stretch their legs. I conveniently found a Sky Zone about two hours south in CT during their "toddler time" special - so we spent about 1.5 hours jumping around and then had lunch. It was the perfect spot to stop and then the boys napped for the remainder of the drive. 

We arrived in style and had the best time!

The next day, on Saturday, Linds and Chrissy planned for us to go on a few little ferries to sight see around NYC. The boys are obsessed with boats and ferries lately, so they had the best time ever.

Here we are on the little ferry that leaves right at the bottom of their building. Here we are in the East River, heading over to the Staten Island Ferry. We wanted to see the Statue of Liberty!

When we made it to our stop, we scooted over to the bigger boat to see the Statue of Liberty.


Me and Cay taking in the view was a bit windy.

Cal stayed with my parents and sent constant updates, which I loved - while Chrissy, Linds, Caden, Conor, Jimbo, and myself enjoyed the weekend together.

Here are a few of the pics/updates my parents sent me. Cal absolutely loves it at my parents house. He doesn't have his brothers there bossing him around and stealing his toys. My Dad watched him by himself from 9-2 on Saturday while my mom worked. He did AWESOME (and by "he" I mean my Dad).

Taking in one last view with Mommy and Chrissy before heading back to Boston.

 When we got home, Caden and Conor were beyond exhausted. They slept like this til about 4pm.


Now back to the weekly routine...

All for now!

P.S. A few from when Cal visited NYC last year!


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