My First Butcher Box Delivery! And Valentine's Round Up

The stomach bug hit the Phelan family HARD this last week - it was brutal.  Well really only Caden, Conor, and Mom got the bug. Somehow Cal and Dad pulled through unscathed, thankfully.

Just hours prior to the whole puking process, we decided it would be great for Cal to join his brothers in their room. Cal has really made it a point to show me he's wanted to be with them when he goes to bed. Each night, he gets up and wanders into his brothers room. So, we decided to throw a boxspring down and with his little crib mattress on top, as shown below. He seemed to really like this!

Then we ordered a twin mattress which was a huge hit...  Mom was photographing from her death bed. I was literally OUT of commission so huge props to Jimbo and my mom for handling this week.

Cal graduated to a twin mattress!  However he fell out like 3 times before 8pm that first night. So we eliminated the boxspring. Currently he is just sleeping on a twin mattress on the floor and it's been going great. No more getting up and wandering around. Woohooo.

Here's Grammy doing a "science experiment" with the twins. One day we accidentally left Legos outside when it rained/snowed. We noticed there was ice inside the Lego and we thought it was SO cool. So naturally, we filled up the small Duplos with water and left them outside when we went to school one day. The next day, after it snowed, we noticed the Legos were once again filled with ice! So cool!!

I love Cal's concentration in this photo.

Here is my first BUTCHERBOX delivery! I was super pumped about it. A fellow blogger had written about it and I was intrigued. I always have a hard time finding good quality meats with a decent price. So this order was $129. I know that sounds high, but I got two filets, 4 pork chops, 2 lbs of sockeye salmon, 2 strip steaks, 2 lbs of ground beef, a chuck roast/pot roast, and three large chicken breasts. Mathematically it added up to about $6 per person, per meal.

We had such a fun Valentines Day. Conor and Caden both had two celebrations - at each of their schools. The boys made their own valentines, wrote our names, gave them to their friends, and enjoyed lots and lots of sweet treats. Their teachers shared a few pics which were adorable. Caden is pictured below giving out his valentines. Ms Jill said it was so adorable listening to the friends saying "thank you" and "youre welcome" to each other.

Fun in the motor room!

Conor playing with his Valentines.

Conor and his friends reading books. <3 p="">

Conor throwing an arrow through the circle! Great hand-eye coordination.

 Conor loving his blue magnatiles lol

I snapped a few pics this morning and I thought they were cute.

All for now! Have a great long weekend!


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