Bandage is Off!

I am going to document my progress day by day, as much as I can. I took the entire bandage off today and this is what my incision currently looks like as of today. I am not in much pain, but I am being as careful as possible.

As I mentioned in my previous post, my mom and dad have been SO helpful with my post surgery care. They took the boys on Thursday and we picked them up Sunday. It was so nice to be able to rest while the boys had fun at Grammy and Papa's house. Here's a little peek at their last few days.

I told Caden to pack his bag, get on his clothes and sneakers and we would head to Grammy's house. I looked up and he did a great job listening. He was 100% ready to go - and looked adorable. As Chrissy said, "he looks like he's off to his dorm room" haha.

This was my view as I headed over to Brigham for my surgery. They were all so cute waving bye to Mommy. :)

This was my post surgery meal - a charcuterie board, and it was delicious.

All the boys hanging with Grammy!

Breakfast at Grammy's on Saturday!

Dress up time! We are Batman (Caden), Superman (Cal), and Spiderman (Conor). It was so funny. Their imaginations were going wild.

Caden's turn to be Spiderman - he loved the muscles!

Grammy joined in the fun of dress up...hahaha Bat-Grammy!!

Caden is learning how to ride a two-wheeler. He is doing excellent!

My mom pushed me around the block in the wheelchair, and I was pushing whoever wanted to sit in the stroller. And then Jimbo pulled the other boys in the wagon. It was kind of a mess, but it got me out of the house.

Jim took out some of his old batman toys from he was a kiddo. He was so excited to share it with them. Caden loved it - he is so into batman these days.

All for now! I'll continue to post pics of my progress. Hopefully it continues as smoothly as it's been!



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