A Summer to Remember
I had such a memorable summer. As I mentioned in my previous post, there was a lot going on. I was SO fortunate to spend a lot of time with my boys - and we went down to Cape Cod as much as possible. This is a long overdue "goodbye summer" post - but better late than never. This year, we tried something new and decided to drive Jim's truck onto Sandy Neck Beach in Barnstable County. We have the beach sticker for the beach already, but we had to get an additional sticker in order to drive on - in addition to the sticker, we needed a few essentials like a tire gauge, a 3/4 in piece of wood, chains, a shovel, and a few other things. It made life so much easier having the truck ON the beach and not having to walk to a parking lot to get things for the kids. The first day we went there, we brought a smokey Joe to the beach and had a little BBQ. It was so much fun and I loved doing something new down in the Cape. Sometimes I forget Cal is [now] only 3. At...