Project Ideas - Thank You to the Teachers!!

I must say, having to adjust your entire curriculum and the way you teach overnight must be hard. I give so much credit to my kids educators because I know they are trying their hardest to send ideas and communication out to their students.

Just as an FYI to those educators who are reading this - my boys have watched everything you've sent over. They have watched videos of their teachers and principals read books from links they've sent out either by their school app or by email, they've listened to their teachers sing songs, and they've watched their teachers show different craft ideas for them to try at home.

The boys have tried worksheets, projects, tutorials, activities such as scavenger hunts, etc...everything! Please know they are ALL appreciated. We have also participated in all the zoom calls, and tried out a LOT of the activities you have all sent over. For that, I just wanted to say thank you!!!

Here are a few that we have done at home - and that I have actually had a chance to document.

Saturday 3/28/2020

We start each day with the daily activity board. We go over the date and how to write it out - like 3/28/2020. We then say good morning, enjoy breakfast and talk about our day. We then play the daily "How's the Weather" song...they LOVE this. It's really cute. They all sing the words outloud.

We then move on to the Pledge of Allegiance and then some worksheets, crafts and daily journal entry. Their journals consist of their name, the date, one photo from the day prior and a word - for example "pancakes" when we did the rainbow pancakes.

Then it is time for yoga or outdoor recess - and more free choice fun.

One of Cal's preschool teachers, Ms Meghan, sent out a craft idea to trace your hand or foot to make animals. Another friend of mine posted something similar on my Facebook wall, so we tried it yesterday!  Cal was the only one who really participated, because Conor and Caden didn't want to get messy haha.

This was our inspiration art -

And here is Cal's! hahaha nailed it.

One of Cal's other preschool teachers, Ms Jill sent this activity over, planning to do it later today!

My mom and I went for a walk near my house and stumbled upon Rag Rock Hill Park. We were trying to figure out what we were looking at and where my house was....

There's Boston!

A big Thank You to Conor's teacher, Ms Hecht, because she sent over this super fun scavenger hunt for the boys to do. We walked around our neighborhood and even found a SNAKE!!!

Sunday 3/29/2020

Cal's other preschool, Creative Corner in Winchester, sent over this fun skittle project that we did this morning - and they sent a video of one of the teachers, Ms Amanda making homemade play doh! That was super helpful. We made tons of different colors of play doh this morning and separated them into several different bags.


My friend Julie sent over this math project idea (I already posted it) - you can line up anything you want on these paint tape lines...have  the kiddos count them up and write the numbers down.

Lindsey's sister Kelly sent me this fun rainbow idea - find random items in the house and make a wreath!  This was the photo Kel sent me.

Here we are making ours...

Ta-da! Rainbow project complete

This is fun too!! Especially on a rainy day like today!

For those of you who celebrate Easter, this is cute Easter coloring activity you can print out and have the kids do.

Have fun! And try to stay sane during this rainy day!



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