DIY Projects - Vow Renewal in CAPE COD
Happy SUMMER VACATION!! We finally finished remote learning and I couldn't be happier. It was getting to be quite challenging having all three boys join their calls (which were often around the same time) while working remote. Now we are enjoying some more time outside in a less structured manner. I am not constantly looking at the clock wondering who has a call next. With that said, Jim and I are now in full planning mode for our 10 year anniversary/vow renewal this summer on 7/10/2020. We are having a little get together with family and friends in the Cape since we will head down there for the Fourth of July. My talented friend Jill is taking photos and she is also offering mini sessions for families since we will all be dressed up and on the beach - why not?! I have been working on some DIY projects to decorate. I am NOT a creative or artistic person, so this has been challenging for me - but also a bit fun! We started first with crafting our own Fa...