So Very Thankful

This is a unique post.  It is a “what I am thankful for” post but a list of memories, not the typical family, friends, favorite things. I am always thankful for my family – Jim, Conor, Caden, and Cal. I am SO lucky, I know that. As each year goes on, I feel luckier and luckier. My kids are so fun, loving, caring, healthy, smart, observant, thoughtful, and determined beings. They are becoming more and more independent and I am so proud of them. (I’ll likely say that 6 more times.) 

Count how many times I say “thankful” - haha. 

I am of course continuously thankful for my parents and Jim’s parents. After living away for many years, we both feel so fortunate to live in MA and see them all so frequently. I think sometimes it takes living away to appreciate family. Our parents have thankfully been a massive help during this pandemic – we wouldn’t have survived a day without any of them. They have helped in a pinch, stayed overnight, picked up the boys at school, dropped them off at school, picked up groceries for us, and so on. For that, we thank you. 


I am thankful for my sister and Linds (and the Macomber family, which often feels like an extension of my family – “extra” in laws as I say). I am also thankful for Jim’s siblings, Joe and T. I am so thankful for Joe – he is the only brother I have!  I am so proud of my sisters/sisters in law with their new role as mothers. All three of them are doing a fantastic job with their sons; I couldn’t be prouder of them. Speaking of those adorable baby boys, I am so unbelievably thankful for my two adorable nephews, Charlie and Noah (and my awesome Godson, Jared!). I am also so thankful for my cousins, on both sides of my family. I feel as close to my cousins as I do with my sister. I am so thankful and proud of that. 


I am thankful for my homes. That sounds like a humble brag, but I mean it. We are fortunate to have a home in the Cape, which we are thankful for this year more than ever. We were able to escape down to the Cape a lot this year, so for that I am very grateful.


Now on to the meat and potatoes of this post.  I am running down memory lane in my brain and these are the memories I am most thankful for:



Memory #1

When we had the twins, we lived in Alexandria, VA.  We lived in this adorable row-house complex with some nice neighbors. There was a neighbor named “Hollie with an i e” that was clearly a little angel sent to help me during this time. I met her when Jim was pushing me around the neighborhood in a wheelchair. She introduced herself, she was so sweet, and asked when we were due. Once I had the boys, she put together a schedule for everyone in the neighborhood to make us a meal each night. She was a bright light during this time that I really, really needed it.

Our place in Alexandria:


Memory #2

When I had Cal, there was no plan of bringing the twins into the hospital to meet him. My parents were home watching the twins and we were having our backyard excavated and grass put in. Chrissy asked why we weren’t bringing Conor and Caden into Boston to meet their brother. We honestly didn’t have a good answer – so she left her place in Beacon Hill, drove to Woburn to pick up the twins and brought them into Boston (MGH). She is the reason that I have pictures of the boy at MGH when Cal was born. I am so grateful for that.

Photos courtesy of Chrissy:

Memory #3

My Dad flew out to California when we put our Marina del Rey condo on the market. He flew out because I was approx. 30 weeks pregnant with the twins – and we needed to paint and stage the house. We had received tons of baby gifts since they were going to arrive in a few months. So we got a storage unit on Glencoe Avenue (our street) and filled it up with gifts, and a lot of extra furniture to make the condo feel more bright and open. My Dad was pushing the cart full of belongings down the street yelling “Peanuts! Get ya peanuts here!” – with the strongest Boston accent - it was so funny. I needed some comic relief – as being pregnant with twins, while moving across the country, and transferring with my job was very, very stressful. Thank you, Dad, for traveling to DC and LA and the Cape to paint my houses – oh and Woburn, too. 😉

My condo in LA / my Dads artist work:

Memory #4

My Boston 6-month assignment.  In the summer of 2011, I spent 6 or so months working in Boston and it was such a dream. It was the perfect time to be home with my family. I was able to be around for so many things like making it to many family functions and was able to meet Lindsey right when she and Chrissy started dating! I made some of the best coworker/friends and I truly look back at that time as such a wonderful time in my life. We had also just purchased the Cape, so it was incredible to be able to drive down there on the weekends and get away!

Fun 2011 memories:


Memory #5

In December 2011, my mom flew out to LA to spend the Christmas season with us. I had just finished up that temporary assignment in the Boston office, so I saw her a lot over the summer and into the fall. However, we hadn’t seen each other a few months when she visited in December. We picked out my Christmas tree, decorated together, and even visited Disneyland out in LA. It was one of my favorite memories that I am SO glad we were able to do – especially considering the current travel restrictions. 

Christmas Tree Purchase:


Memory #6

Life before kids – what was that like? The Dominican -Freakin- Republic trip. Suz – was that not the best trip ever?  In 2012 we went to the DR with the Boschs on a “Living Social” or “Groupon” to make it an all-inclusive trip. You know how sometimes when you go on an all-inclusive vacation, the quality isn’t quite there? I have been to Jamaica, Mexico, and a few other places where the food was just ok…and the drinks were just ok. This place, since it wasn’t usually an all-inclusive was amazing. We had some fabulous dinners and an unreal experience. So glad we did that before we had babies.

Punta Cana:

Memory #7

In August 2016, Cal was 2 weeks old and Jim flew to China and Indonesia for two weeks.  It was during the Summer Olympics. Thankfully Chrissy spent at least a week with me, my newborn and two 2 year olds. She made that time WAY less stressful and much more entertaining. I mean, look at her and Cal.  Thanks, Chrissy! :) 

Auntie Chrissy crushing Aunt life:

All for now! Happy thanksgiving!






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