Read Across America Week!

What a fun week in first grade!!! This week focused on lots of ‘reading’ themes for “Read Across America Week” On Monday, the boys brought their favorite book to school (virtually). They each brought a different book from Elephant and Piggie series. On Tuesday, it was Culture day. We read a few book based on our culture, and other things that make us “us”. For example, I read “Good Morning Cape Cod” which talks about US history and Plymouth Rock. On Wednesday, they dressed up as their favorite book character. And today they dressed as 100 year old versions of themselves for the 100th day of school! Look at my little old men! We also did haircuts mid week! On Wednesday, Conor and Caden dressed as “Harold” from Harold and the Purple Crayon; Auntie Chrissys favorite book. Two highlights with my other two favorite guys this week: “Hanging” with Papa - yes, Conor is in the red haha. Reading with Dad - keeping the theme of the week alive. Have a great weekend! xo, Shaz...