National Sibling Day!

In honor of National Sibling Day, I would like to dedicate this post to one of my favorite people - my sister, Chrissy!  I know I’ve blogged about her a ton, but I’m not sure I’ve dedicated an entire post to her.  I also LOVE my SILs and BILs (Linds, T and Joe) - I really lucked out in that category.

Anyway, here’s a trip down memory lane, mostly adulthood. But we’ll see what happens.  My sister has been there for me since day 1. Literally day 1...

I snap-chatted my sister after my first ever ultrasound when I found out (alone) that I was pregnant with twins in Los Angeles. My initial reaction was total shock and disbelief. She calmed me down and was genuinely really excited.

And if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have these photos of the twins meeting Cal in the hospital at MGH when he was born. She drove from Boston to my house, picked up the twins, and brought them into Boston to meet their little brother. I am so grateful for these pics!

This photo was takenaround the same time, when she lived in Beacon Hill.  Auntie Chrissy with Conor with Caden. 

A little sisterly compilation. 

She flew down to DC in May 2014 when we had the twins. She even babysat the boys solo while Jim and I ventured in Old Town (Alexandria VA) for a celebratory drink when Jim passed the CA bar. It was a fun night out. We were under strict orders from Auntie Chrissy NOT to talk about the twins the entire night, but of course we did lol. They were like 3 weeks old.  

She went swimming with the twins after I had Cal and wasn’t cleared yet to exercise or swim. This is her with Conor. 

She toured Boston Common with me when the twins were 8 weeks old. 

We do this: 

She dresses up at the Night Ninjas from PJ Masks when her nephews are the Cat Boy, Gecko, and Owelette. 

Omg I remember this day:  I was pregnant with Cal. It was a VERY hard, emotional day. I called Chrissy and started crying. I was so overwhelmed. She drove to Woburn and helped me out. It was soooo appreciated. 

When the roles reversed and we met our nephew!!! (Charlie)

Auntie Chrissy basically crushing Aunt life...

Chrissy and Caden maybe? Yeah. 

My 30th bday limo! When the twins were maybe 8 months?

Auntie Chrissy and Cal on their way for a bloodwork appt in Brooklyn - in preparation of baby Charlie!

Auntie Chrissy and Cal at our vow renewal, 2020.  ;)

Auntie Chrissy and Caden again 

Auntie Chrissy and Cal again! Haha 


I don’t know...Caden?

She took this photo where I was a disaster; and the following photo when I was in labor. Worst contractions ever. Ugh 

Thanks Chrissy lol

I swear this is Caden again 

Baby shower 2014

Definition of sophistication throughout these next few pics.

Sisters and bruddahs in Beacon Hill 

Jim went to China, Indonesia, and Japan for two weeks when Cal was two weeks. Soooo naturally I called Chrissy to help. Thank God she was there. 

Brooklyn visit!!!! 

Chrissy - are these all of Caden?! 

Reenactment of our fav pic!

When they became Moms! 🥰

When Chrissy saved my life....

I love you!!! Thanks for being the best sis and Aunt to my kiddos. Happy National Siblings Day!



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