Back ✌🏻 School Photodump

WELCOME BACK! 9/9/2021 First Day of Second Grade and Kindergarten! And more importantly, it’s the first day all of my boys are in the same school for the very first time, EVER!! I’ve been dreaming about this day. I’m so glad they are back in school and all together. :) Caden, Cal and Conor: Walking to the bus stop! Conor James Caden Francis Cal Thomas Three bros Cal - “Mom, this is too heavy for my arms!!” Mom: “Cal, do something fun!” (He danced) Big second graders - FWIW, Conor and Caden ask to dress the same - in case you were all wondering. They often say they like to try and “trick” people. Plus, they are in different classes so their teachers will have zero issues knowing who is who. :) Mom- “Caden, do something fun!” Mom- “Conor, do something fun” hahahaha. This kid Waiting for the bus that never came! Hahaha first day chaos right?! Papa and Grammy stopped by for some fun All for now! HAPPY FIRST DAY BOYS!!! I’m so, so proud of you all. xo, Sha...